
Gone In 60 Seconds

Title: Gone In 60 Seconds (2000)

Director: Dominic Sena

Writers: H.B Halicki, Scott Rosenberg

Main Characters : Nicolas Cage< Angelina Jolie

Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller

ELEThe three basic categories of sound are sound effects, dialogue and music. I chose the 2003 movie “Gone in 60 Seconds” for this week’s blog.  This movie is an action genre movie that has great action along with stunning sound effects and music. The movie is about a group of car thieves’ who are brought back together again to save the life of Kip Raines the younger brother of Memphis Raines. Memphis came out of carjacking retirement to lead the group. They made a deal to steal 50 cars in one night in order to free the younger Raines. The night was a success until the final car is being stolen. A car named “Eleanor” by Memphis . A car that he had tried to steal before on numerous attempts but failed. Hopefully this time it will be different. In the scene the sun is coming up, the police are on to them and the car is starting to sputter and have mechanical issues after Memphis breaks the passenger mirror off eluding the police. The sound effects are the main focus of the scene. In the scene you have police cars flying around as well as helicopters and constructions equipment. All of these vehicle sounds like your normal everyday equipment. It is Eleanor that steals the sound effects with her screaming V8 sound that instantly draws your attention. This sound alone sets the mood for the scene.

The dialogue in the scene is also action packed. There are short shots where you see Memphis talking to Eleanor trying to console her that everything will be alright once they get on the ship.


Also, you have the police helicopter radio transmissions that make you feel that you are actually part of the chase. All of these sounds make for a great action scene and a perfect ending to a perfect movie.

Refences: JpzDMQpCfDBMr6jM0_f9BNMEzxiMeWESjs085Jw34LqTAwjQ

Gone in Sixty Seconds. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2015.